
Intfrobel is the name I have given to this website. It is the abbreviated form of ‘internationalism from below’. 

I intend to use the website to publish books and articles, most of which will be informed by this idea. Although, some of them will look well beyond the UK or these islands, the majority will examine the links between popular struggles in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland in a different way to the two usual approaches on the Left – British Left unionist and Left nationalist, whether Irish, Scottish, Welsh or English. I have termed this alternative approach, ‘internationalism from below’

The first book I wrote, which was informed by this approach is From Davitt to Connolly: ‘Internationalism from Below’ and the Challenge to the UK State and British Empire from 1879-95. I intend to follow this up with a second part, ‘From Connolly to Maclean ‘Internationalism from Below’ and the Challenge to the UK State and British Empire from 1895-1923.’ My paperback books have been self-published so they can be obtained at reasonable cost.

The first book on this website, though, is much longer and would be too expensive to publish, even in paperback. It is entitled ‘From Pre-Brit to Ex-Brit – The Forging and Break-up of the UK and Britishness.’ It develops the underlying ideas from which my earlier paperback, ‘From Davitt to Connolly’, and my planned paperback, ‘From Connolly to Maclean’ are based. My online book is followed on this website by a four part book –  ”Internationalism from below’ – Reclaiming a hidden communist tradition to challenge the nation-state and capitalist empire.’ The fourth part is yet to be completed.

Other books and articles can also be found, which develop the points made in these historical and theoretical works by examining contemporay events.

The usual method of engaging in discussion when publishing hard copy books is through book launches and reviews. I have always thoroughly enjoyed these. However, this blog will also have its own comments section. You can also send me a letter at Intfrobel Publishing, PO Box 27168, Edinburgh, EH10 9DB.